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All that in a sentence

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Sentence count:165+38Posted:2016-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: and all thatall the timeall the sameall the moreall throughfall throughthatpull through
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61. I don't believe in all that twaddle about fate.
62. All that was left was a pile of bones.
63. Just imagine going all that way for nothing!
64. Anyone could dress well with all that money.
65. I don't believe in all that stuff about ghosts.
66. All that walking really did me over .
67. We don't want all that palaver,[ that.html] do we?
68. We can see through all that bull.
69. He's talked to me about all that stuff too.
70. All that driving has given me a headache.
71. All that talk is just a bunch of hokum.
72. As long as you're happy(, that's all that matters.
73. We were unemployed all that time.
74. All that extra training is paying dividends.
75. She's knocking herself out with all that work.
76. I've got a terrible thirst after all that running.
77. The food was not actually all that expensive.
78. All that digging has given me an appetite.
79. All that dancing has really pooped me out.
80. What a waste of all that good work!
81. All that hard work really did me in.
82. I still really ache from all that cycling yesterday.
83. I can't get to sleep with all that singing.
84. After all that wine,Father fell into a deep sleep.
85. You can do without all that hassle.
86. The film wasn't all that good.
87. The weather was all that could be wished for.
88. I like him but not all that much.
89. The doctors did all that was humanly possible .
90. All that drink has addled his brains!
More similar words: and all thatall the timeall the sameall the moreall throughfall throughthatpull throughin thatat thatthat isso thatand thatnow thatsee thatonly thatseeing thatthat is to sayin order thatat that timeall toofall towealthhealthwealthyfull-timealthoughhatat all timeswhat
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